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Dear Tweetdeck, Please integrate RSS feeds!

Posted by Alex Chriss on March 22, 2009

I love Tweetdeck – it’s open all day on my laptop and when I’m not mobile it’s the central place I follow friends, co-workers, news, etc.  The one downside to all of my Tweetdeck use, is that I’m spending less time in my Google Reader, reading the blogs that I subscribe too.  

I really miss those blogs!  Since Tweetdeck seems to be a great aggregator of most of my information flow (everything but email) it seems to me that having a column dedicated to my RSS feeds would be ideal.   

So…Wonderful gods at Tweetdeck, since you’re all about consolidation/integration (I see the new facebook stuff – very cool!) my request is that you add a column for the headlines from my google reader.  I know I could probably do this myself by following the bloggers who tweet, but it won’t be concise.  I want to import my OPML file and have you reserve one of my columns for a very simple list of new posts from the blogs that I follow.  That’s all – a super-simple way to stay in tweetdeck and get my blog fix. 

8 Responses to “Dear Tweetdeck, Please integrate RSS feeds!”

  1. Bill Lucchini said

    Absolutely! My Google Reader feed has a very high density of thoughtful pieces I should read. Twitter is interesting and personal, but an hour with Twitter doesn’t get me the same content and I’m missing it. One other request is a better iPhone reader for Twitter. I need filtering and searches!

  2. john said

    One word. Peoplebrowsr. It has rss feed built in as well as many other tools. It just keeps getting better too. The developers have and adobe air and mobile versions in the works. I have not used tweetdeck since their rss integration. Last week I also started using alltop.coms where you can add all of your feeds and have a one stop place as a reader. You can see my example at

  3. Jason said

    Heh, I was thinking: “Dear Google Reader, please integrate Twitter!” Personally, I can’t stand Tweetdeck and I’m very dubious of the idea that microblogging and commenting (tweeting and replying) represents a significant departure from blogging to warrant running a whole other application.

  4. that’s right…or…please can my RSS reader do tweets plz.

  5. Stines said

    Watch for is

  6. firdaus said

    heres how to do it

    its take a bit of time to configure twitfeed and google reader but its worth it. I can get blog updates in almost real time

  7. Breg said

    That link did not work for me but I found this one

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